Monday, 10 June 2013

June GGFB Giveaway!

Hi everyone!

In an effort to get the 'word' out about our awesome program we are currently running a promotion on Facebook!  You can check it out here!  The contest closes June 18th and the prize is a FREE Large Good Food Box on June 19th! Please note you must be able to pick up the box, or live locally.

Good luck!!



  1. The Georgian Good Food Box is the greatest idea that ever came to being. It is so convenient and easy to pick up. The people organizing this are doing a fantastic job.

    It is wonderful because near the end of the month when we are running out of our fresh fruit and vegetables, The Good Food Box comes into play and we have enough until the end of the month. So easy!!!

    I also enjoy getting the different recipes.

    Thank you

  2. I really like this idea and it is really great.Keep up the great work and just keep making it look better.

    kitchenware & fruit bowl
